The Art of Relaxing and Empowering

Raja Yoga Meditation

Raja Yoga gives you a clear spiritual understanding of yourself, helps you re-discover and use the positive qualities already latent within you. It helps you to create new attitudes and develop new responses. Like any skill, this requires practice. By doing a little meditation every day, it soon becomes a natural and easy habit, which generously rewards you for the effort it involves.

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A journey inwards, a journey of self-discovery

Raja Yoga meditation is an open-eyed technique that can be used by anyone, anywhere. Whether you want to learn how to relax, need to be more concentrated and creative or are searching for personal enlightenment, Raja Yoga Meditation can satisfy each of those needs.

Raja Yoga Exhibition

Raja Yoga Exhibition features the core knowledge of the soul and body, God the Supreme Being, the three worlds, Raja Yoga (meditation/ developing mastery of the self), law of karma, time cycle, tree of humanity and virtues and vices.

Click here to learn more …

Online Zoom Meditation

Raja Yoga Hong Kong is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Zoom Evening Meditation
Time: This is a recurring meeting happening every Friday & Sunday at 7:00pm – 8:00pm HKT

Join Zoom Meeting :

Meeting ID: 988 7330 4090
Passcode: 181969

Learn meditation, free of charge

Meditating for just a minute can make a difference