Experiences we offer

We offer a framework for a life-changing experience by exploring and discovering the most basic question of all, “Who am I?”. As we develop a sense of self-mastery, this allows us to stay in charge of our lives. The blame game finishes. We regain the responsibility to create our own lives.
For this, we become adept in four areas of study

Spiritual knowledge
Universal truths, regarding the nature of the soul, God and the impact of a close relationship between the two, create the foundation for our spiritual endeavour. Together with this, the knowledge of time and karma, helps us to deal with the challenges in life.

Raja Yoga meditation
A step-by-step process helps us to focus on our deep inner strength and potential, which then begin to grow and progress. With less but more powerful thinking, we start to feel our own greatness.

Conscious development of virtues
Through this, we learn that real spirituality is to be able to actively practise virtues in all circumstances. As we focus on our own and others’ virtues, and not on defects, communication and relationships improve.

Serving others spiritually
The natural consequence of understanding spiritual truths, practising Raja Yoga meditation and developing virtues is the wish to serve others. Serving is our highest vocation, and fills us with a new sense of purpose.